“Every morning when I left for school she would say: remember, ask good questions!”
“Every morning when I left for school she would say:
remember, ask good questions!”
During 2016, my learning group at TAICP interviewed the renowned psychoanalyst and author Dr. Lewis Aron. Although being incredibly busy with his writing, teaching and directing the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Lew (as he immediately insisted we call him) responded with great openness and warmth. We were researching the effect of personal life stories on psychoanalysts’ writings, and Lew addressed our theoretical as well as personal questions genuinely and in length. Only during our conversations, we’ve learnt that Lew was already very ill with cancer, an understanding which shed more light on his unbelievable generosity. In his spirit and to his beloved memory, please join moments of our meetings, which were also published in the book “Psychoanalytic Credo: Personal and Professional Journeys of Psychoanalysts” (2022) by Dr. Jill Salsberg.
כל הזכויות שמורות לאורנה ראובן 2023 | הצהרת נגישות | Accessibility Statement
עיצוב האתר: “עיצוב בחינוך” | צילום: דין אהרוני רונלד